Work, Life, Play

RIBA Mentoring Scheme

Pension Scheme

Inhouse CPD

4 day week

Flexible Working

Time off between Christmas &
New Year
We believe in our talent. Developing and growing this talent is at the centre of Calderpeel Architects. The practice operates in an open studio environment and thrives on a collaborative approach to design. We actively encourage the development of new design theories and practices with weekly open design charrettes. Along with an active programme of CPD’s, mentoring, building visits and personal development plans, we do all we can to support and subsequently retain our exceptional talent.
We believe benefits should be available for all our team, take a look at some of the benefits of working for the practice below.
In 2023 we introduced a 'well-being day' happening weekly, which breaks the structure of the outdated five-day working week. This has proved transformative for us all. Combined with a flexible work-from-home arrangement, we have created a fully responsive environment that is designed to meet modern ways of working. It is all about flexibility, dynamism and looking towards the future. Creating a working environment that achieves the best for our clients and creates a work environment that suits our talented colleagues.
It has ensured our creativity, responsiveness and engagement is unparalleled, our clients have the continued surety of being able to reach their contact within the practice and our team have the time to rest, reflect ultimately be the best they can be.
Want to join the team? Send us an email with your CV and we'll get back to you with more information.